The BOE continues undermining students’ success under the
guise of fiscal responsibility. The BOE has yet to learn that fiscal
responsibility does NOT equate to a
lack of spending. Instead, spending with purpose, spending wisely, and spending
for the most effective outcomes reflect fiscal responsibility. Sadly, the BOE’s
financial decisions neglect to represent this knowledge.
Springboro currently is working under a 5-year levy for $9.2
million. This levy is set to expire. Rather than seeking to renew the full
amount of the existing levy, the BOE has decided to only seek a $7.9 million
levy for another 5 years. The Springboro BOE likes to tout its lack of spending
as responsible practice. This is far from responsible. Even if the renewal
levy passes, the district will have to cut spending that is critical for
student success. And if the levy does not pass, the district is in even more
trouble. And so while the students will not receive all of the resources and
opportunities that should be available to them, rest assured that the BOE will
meet its goal of getting the First Place Blue Ribbon Prize for supporting the
Lowest Per Pupil Spending in county! Too bad the students in the community will be on
the wrong end of that. Below is a comparison chart of school district spending
in Warren County. The data are based on 2011-2012 state report cards.
School District
Building Operation
Staff Support
Pupil Support
Little Miami